About Me

Israel Boyum, a mentalist and master of the senses, and some say Khushi as well, has been conquering stages throughout the country and the world for many years with the experiential, intelligent, fascinating and full of surprises entertainment shows that he puts on at public and private events and in front of many diverse audiences.

Israel Boyum today is gifted with an unusual combination of telepathy skills, mind reading and the ability to “get into the head” of the other person and decipher their secrets, relying on diagnostic abilities, developed intuition and psychological methods and techniques of mentalism, “cold reading” (cold reading, personology (theory the facial features) body language and more. All of these, in addition to a developed sense of humor and stage experience, make every event a winner. As an expert and skilled close-up artist, Israel daily succeeds in conveying messages in an attractive, entertaining, and above all convincing manner.
sales promotion events, new product launches, and any event aimed at attracting and convincing an audience are very successful thanks to Israel’s originality and the interaction that is created with the audience at its shows. The intimacy creates a feeling of “Wow, I’m close and can even touch!”, and together with the great pleasure, a bond of trust is created between Israel and the audience, a trust that leads to the final goal – pleasure, building business relationships and sales. Mentor and personal companion for companies, businessmen and private individuals. Israel’s diagnostic ability in the day and the “cold reading” technique, which allows reading people using 52 senses and thinking “outside the box”, are also used in business and private consulting and accompaniment. Israel Boyum will guide you and assist you in business moves, especially those involving elements of human relations and interpersonal communication, such as selecting candidates for senior positions, diagnosing potential business partners, building new business engagements, and the like. Upon request, Israel also conducts workshops for guided imagination, NLP, suggestion, creative thinking and more

אודות ישראל בויום

What is my specialty?

How many times have you met people and tried to decipher their personality based on their facial features?
The structure of the face, the size of the eyes, the wrinkles on the forehead, the thickness of the lips, the angles of the eyebrows and more are a language in itself – this language is called personology. Personology deals with the relationship between the physical structure and the personality structure, and offers a method of reading the personality based on facial features and expressions. A person who controls the faucets of personology and body language can surprise the one standing in front of him and be considered a mind reader.

Israel Boyum studied the field of personology and body language in depth and uses it to amaze and amaze the audience in his performances. There is no movement, gesture or blink that will escape his eyes – he sees everything, perceives, analyzes, and everything in an amusing, light and entertaining way, which gives added value to every meeting and every performance. So if you want to surprise your guests and give your event a little more personal and intelligent touch in a light and pleasant atmosphere, ask Israel to combine his skills in personology and body language reading in his performance.

Art of senses (mentalism), sixth sense

“The only real thing of value is intuition” (Albert Einstein)

We all know the five senses – hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. These senses are measurable and can be investigated, therefore they are recognized as “official” senses. However, there are also other senses, such as a sense of justice, a sense of orientation, an artistic sense, and more, and there is also a sense called the “sixth sense”.

The “sixth sense” is the ability to “know about events” that have not yet occurred or events that are taking place at a great distance, as well as information that is not absorbed by the five senses. Some call this sense intuition and telepathic ability. Although science did not recognize intuition for hundreds of years, in recent years the idea of ​​its existence has been studied by neurologists, and studies are being conducted that try to test its essence. It has been many years that mind readers, parapsychologists of various kinds as well as sensory artists have been making use of the sixth sense through the variety of tools they have acquired for psychic performances and mind reading.

It is clear that in the field of entertainment it is not an exact science, but an informed and intelligent combination of acquired techniques for entertainment purposes. A psychic manages to read minds, predict the future, move objects with the power of thought, bend spoons, guess numbers and more, and most importantly – deceive the audience that he is endowed with supernatural powers. Although the audience knows that this is an acquired skill and not “miracles”, at the end of the performance the question is always asked, “How did he know?” After all, I didn’t say anything to him and didn’t hint at anything.”

Don’t worry, as you read before, it is not about supernatural powers but techniques of guided imagination, NLP, COLD READING, suggestion, body language and more.

Mentalism is much more than juggling, conducting experiments or just entertainment. Mentalism is art, mystery, magic. And like all true art forms it requires the ability to combine the freedom of imagination with the rigor of professionalism.

In my performances I use all the sensory fields to surprise the audience and provoke thought.

A mentalist is someone who is able to read a person’s thoughts based on their appearance, body language and other natural elements. Mentalism artists utilize these and other abilities to influence the reality of their audience, where their main goal is to entertain and cause the viewers to marvel.

In his performances, Israel Dayom uses his extensive knowledge of psychology and his rich experience to read minds, to make the participants think in a certain way, but also to amuse the audience and amaze them, and most importantly – so that the event you organized will be special and unforgettable!!!

“Cold reading” is the ability to say things about a person without knowing him.
Cold reading is based on accumulated knowledge about different types of people from all sectors and from all corners of the population. With his special technique Israel perceives people on a daily basis for their unique features and characteristics and “categorizes” them in hundreds of non-standard “drawers”. During the cold reading, he pulls out the accumulated knowledge from his drawers, and this is where the magic comes in – in business meetings with a client or with a new supplier and even in stage shows where a connection is made with the audience, the cold reading method does its job. Through it, Israel succeeds in impressing the person standing in front of him with his sharp diagnostic ability, which causes the interlocutor to open up and continue the communication.

In his performances, Israel daily flirts with the audience and amazes them using the cold reading technique combined with other techniques, thus creating an immediate and intimate relationship with them.

How many times have you met people and tried to decipher their personality based on their facial features?
The structure of the face, the size of the eyes, the wrinkles on the forehead, the thickness of the lips, the angles of the eyebrows and more are a language in itself – this language is called personology. Personology deals with the relationship between the physical structure and the personality structure, and offers a method of reading the personality based on facial features and expressions. A person who controls the faucets of personology and body language can surprise the one standing in front of him and be considered a mind reader.

Israel Boyum studied the field of personology and body language in depth and uses it to amaze and amaze the audience in his performances. There is no movement, gesture or blink that will escape his eyes – he sees everything, perceives, analyzes, and everything in an amusing, light and entertaining way, which gives added value to every meeting and every performance. So if you want to surprise your guests and give your event a little more personal and intelligent touch in a light and pleasant atmosphere, ask Israel to combine his skills in personology and body language reading in his performance.

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